New year, new challenges
First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone and Godt Nytt År alle sammen!
New year, new struggles.
Writing a blog post is not so easy as I first thought it would be, especially when you are travelling to work around two and a half hours and then work 10-11 hours and travel back another two and a half hours. My brain doesn't function most of the time. But here I am on the train again, it’s pitch black outside and I can not stop thinking about that I don’t want to do this anymore. Even though I just started working at this place, with all the travelling and stress, it is completely destroying me. So me and my boss decided to end this relationship, these are my last days there and I am desperate because finding a job here in Norway is not so easy without knowing the language. But maybe when I am going to have some days at home, I will have some time to clear out my head and pull myself together. I want to build my own carrier but that need a certain money background what we do not have right know. My plan is to find a job which doesn't take all my time and I can deal with my blog and vlog more as I planned before I started to work far away from my home.

And what I learned from 2017?
Do not be naive!
I have to start being more strict with myself and not to believe everything that sounds good. One of my biggest weakness is being naive. So many people took advantage of me because of this, so lets try to change on this one.
I have to start being more strict with myself and not to believe everything that sounds good. One of my biggest weakness is being naive. So many people took advantage of me because of this, so lets try to change on this one.
Do not be too nice!
Another weakness of mine is being too nice to everyone! Including people who hurt me or acting rude and bad with me! I think the biggest problem, that I put almost everyone in front of me, I try to make everyone pleased and satisfied. But this is simply impossible!
Another weakness of mine is being too nice to everyone! Including people who hurt me or acting rude and bad with me! I think the biggest problem, that I put almost everyone in front of me, I try to make everyone pleased and satisfied. But this is simply impossible!

Accept yourself!
I think this is the hardest to achieve for me! I can live with being naive and too nice but accepting myself always my biggest fight. As a chubby, slightly overweight women in this thin and model looking society, where only people who are beautiful, skinny can achieve succesful carrier, I have trouble believing that I can succed in the fashion and beauty industry. Maybe now, since in the past few years plus size models became more accepted. Anyways. I have to start accepting myself even though I am continuosly trying to change my look.
Move your butt!
I used to love working out. And then life happened. Now I miss it more than ever. Introducing sport and working out to my daily or weekly routine is another thing I will try to do in 2018, not just to shape my body, but to deal with stress and to become mentally healthier too! Really important these days to deal with out mental health not just our body.
I used to love working out. And then life happened. Now I miss it more than ever. Introducing sport and working out to my daily or weekly routine is another thing I will try to do in 2018, not just to shape my body, but to deal with stress and to become mentally healthier too! Really important these days to deal with out mental health not just our body.
So to wrap this blog post up, I wish everyone to achieve their goals ans have an amazing year.
And I promise I will try to make better pictures too, because I know I am not so good at it yet, I apologize for that.
Social media contacts:
twitter: @Vikeblink
twitter: @Vikeblink
facebook: /eva.farkas1001
snapchat: @veralady
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