
Finding a job in Norway

It's harder then you would think. Even though I have a diploma in tourism and a certificate in pastry, it is really hard to find a job in your own profession. I am searching for a job for more than 8 month now, and I can't say I was successful so far, and I am not gonna lie it feels horrible, makes me think I am not good enough, and worthless. But maybe now, all my efforts seems to be paying off. So how is it working? Now let's start with, that I am aware of that some of you who are reading these lines will think " Tell me something new! " But maybe this writing will find some audience who are just about to experience job searching. It all starts with a big old google search. Google job offering pages, even though they usually offer the same jobs, it is smart to register as much websites as possible. In my case it was Norwegian websites such as  ,  or . These websites are going to be your best friends during the ...

Working on the blog | Skin pampering day at home

Before I started this blog I didn't even think about how am I gonna make outfit photos, since we live in Norway, and it is the middle of winter here, going out is not so easy and the city in this season doesn't look so promising. Ice and black snow everywhere melting away, leaving a really wet and dirty look. Taking photos inside shouldn't be so hard, at least that is what I thought... Well it is basically dark inside all day, especially when my only help, my dear love comes homes from work. But this can not stop me, I will try to get a reasonably sized mirror, and stop making excuses. I promise. My other plan is to go to the woods, maybe it looks better there. Well wish me luck not to break my neck! But right now, I am having day for myself, in my cozy slippers and robe, doing some skin treatment, what i neglected while I was working in Oslo, so my skin needs a little pampering now. I am using the Jimjam's Beauty facial scrub with rice avocado ...

Favorite beauty products

A few months ago I realized that I need to take care about my skin more, because it started to look like I was a teenage again.  So I asked a professional beauty specialist, my best friend, to help me choose some skincare products. This is how I got to know the brand Solanie. Solanie is a Hungarian professional cosmetic brand with a 80 year history behind them. Their products is used by professional beauticians all over Hungary. And now by me in Norway. My favorite products from them is their Gentle Cleansing foam, Facial peeling cream, Phyto Tonic lotion, Vita-liposome day cream and two of their masks the Antiseborea and Multi- fruits fitomask. These products covers the skincare routine of a girl in their 20's with slightly problematic skin type, with a few other products like the Black soap and a vibrasonic facial cleaner, which helps to clean your skin deeper as you could ever do it with your hands. And I have to say, my skin looks and feels way better ...

New year, new challenges

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone and Godt Nytt År alle sammen!  New year, new struggles.  Writing a blog post is not so easy as I first thought it would be, especially when you are travelling to work around two and a half hours and then work 10-11 hours and travel back another two and a half hours. My brain doesn't function most of the time. But here I am on the train again, it’s pitch black outside and I can not stop thinking about that I don’t want to do this anymore. Even though I just started working at this place, with all the travelling and stress, it is completely destroying me. So me and my boss decided to end this relationship, these are my last days there and I am desperate because finding a job here in Norway is not so easy without knowing the language. But maybe when I am going to have some days at home, I will have some time to clear out my head and pull myself together. I want to build my own carrier but that need a certain money back...

Life update and other silly things

The day is almost gone, and I am sitting on the train on the way home from work, i’m tired and a little bit sick too. So I got a job in Oslo, as a pastry chef in a newly opening hungarian place, and the opening day is getting closer and closer but we are not even close to finish the preparations. It scares me. But also makes me really excited. Working in the big city in a really fancy place. It is a really big opportunity for me, the only thing worries me is the travelling. 1,5 hour each way.... ouch! But I’m not gonna lie. We need the money. Norway is not the cheapest country that’s for sure. But the good news, that slowly everything is looking better, the apartment, work, and maybe soon I will be able to make more posts and pictures. My plan is to take pictures of the apartment, where we live as soon as it is gonna be finished the way I want it... also I want to change my warderobe. Almost none of the pieces give me any joy, but living in norway I have to think about wa...

Black Friday | AD

hey guys, I know I am a little bit late, sorry about that, but my new job takes all my energy , but I couldn’t go pass this awesome opportunity now when its Black Friday! So who knows the awesome brand Ideal of Sweden? Since I have an iPhone I always wanted a case from the brand! And now here is the opportunity, because they offer 50% off everything! How awesome is that!?  Check it out on this link . They have the most beautiful phone cases! Let’s see my favourites! Good shopping guys! And have an amazing weekend! Tag me on your shops on instagram 😍 @tapmancs

Moving to Norway - the struggles and joys

Living in Norway is not always easy, in fact to be able to move here from the EU can be challenging. It doesn't sound so difficult when you first do research about it, but not everything is as you think it would be. But let's see, how to move to Norway. I'm thought I write this blog post because, when I was planning my moving I couldn't find these informations. Of course there are many websites about what you have to do, and also there is a Norwegian website where you can start the processing and there are lots of info, but if you are not moving to the capital city, or a big city like Trondheim, you will meet some difficulties during the moving process.  The process   The first step is the easiest, you have to visit the  website and choose which kind of immigration matches your situation (work, family,school etc.) and fill up an information form, with your details, and send it by e-mail, and then you will have to choose a police...